I have a friend. He is 43 and likes to walk around the streets of Ajax.
One of the homes in the neighbourhood is, according to their neighbours a real trouble spot. My friend and I were talking and we agreed any potential buyers of a property next door should be aware of what they are getting into.
According to that homes owner, there is no doubt we are the neighbours from hell, and this constitutes a material fact that a realtor if made aware, must disclose to potential buyers. It's only fair. We wouldn't want a realtor® getting in trouble.
Site features will include neighbour taunting 2 17 year old kids, calling them motherfu$kers.
Nuttier than squirrel shit.
This site will ensure anyone looking to purchase knows what terrible neighbours we are and all the problems we've caused.
Audio clips of screaming and swearing at a 17-year-old kid and saying his mother 'abandoned' him by dying. Not to mention the folks at the back of the lot who paved over their back yard and guess where all the water goes. Texts about the rats in the backyards and so much more. Complaints about noise and loud parties, drug and alcohol use, and so much more. Would you want your children moving in next door to us?
Coming soon.. the content is here, I will enable it soon.